How To Offer Help

Materi ini merupakan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12. Pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas beberapa dialog yang berisi menawarkan jasa atau pertolongan. Serta bagaimana cara kita merespon dari bantuan tersebut, yang bisa menyetujui ataupun bisa berupa penolakan.

Menawarkan bantuan atau jasa bisa dikenali pada ungkapan dan juga responnya dalam sebuah teks. Mari kita pelajari.

Practice 1

Please read the following dialog. Take a look at the bold typed expressions. Then, try to identify the expression of offering help from the dialogue. Does this include offering help, accepting or refusing.

Umar : Hi Abdi, have you finished your Math assignment?

Abdi : No. I haven't. We still have one more week to finish it, don't we? What about yours?

Umar : Are you joking? The due date will be tomorrow. I have finished mine and I’ve just submitted it to Ibu Ningsih. Do you need any help with your assignment, Abdi?

Abdi : Of course. Well, I plan to talk about pythagorean theorem. I will explain the basic relationship between the three sides of a right triangle.

Umar : That's a good idea. What can I do for you?

Abdi : I think you can help me with the report. I am a bit confused with the report format. Can you please explain it to me?

Umar : Sure. Is there anything else I can help?

Abdi : Hmm, I don’t think so. I think I can do it myself.

Umar : Okay, then. I’ll take my laptop and show you the report format.

Abdi : Okay.

Expression identification offers help that you can find in the dialogue and its responses. Try to differentiate between offering help, accepting or refusing.

Practice 2

Study the following expressions used to offer help. Can you find some of the expressions below in the text you have read.

Expressions of Offering Help
In Formal Setting In Informal Setting
Would you like some help? What can I do for you?
Would you like me to do it for you? May I help you?
Would you mind if I carry your bag? Can I help you with your task?
Could I offer you a help? Do you want me to help you?
Would you like a cup of tea? Let me help you.
I wonder if I could help you? I will help you.
Shall I help you? Do you want me to have a look at your task?
I’d be glad to help.
Is there anything I can help?

Accepting Refusing/Declining/Rejecting
Yes please, I’d love to. No, thank you.
If you wouldn’t mind. That’s very kind of you, but ….
Thank you. That would be great. Thank you for offering, but ….
Thank you very much. It’s okay. I can do it myself.
Thank you. Don’t worry, I’ll do it.
Thanks. No, thank you. I’m fine.
Yes, please. No, thanks. I am good.
I’d like it very much. No, it’s alright.
That sounds nice. No, thanks.
That’s very kind of you. No, I can manage it by myself.

Bagaimana, tidak sulit bukan menemukan ungkapan menawarkan bantuan beserta responnya di practice 1? Nah, sekarang coba baca lagi contoh-contoh ekspresi menawarkan bantuan beserta responnya yang ada di Practice 2. Ulangi hingga dua atau tiga kali, sampai benar-benar bisa melafalkannya dengan benar. Selamat mencoba.

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